The pump models in the GEA Varipump line are conceived for extreme application demands and are individually optimized for your task.

The high-quality surfaces, the construction entirely without die-cast components and the high-value materials meet highest demands even in the sensitive pharma industry. Thanks to a great variety of customizing options the pumps can adapt to any production process, for lower operational costs and more system efficiency.

Characteristics of the GEA Varipump line:

  • Developed for advanced application conditions
  • Customer-specific optimization
  • Surface roughness up to Ra ≤ 0.4 μm
  • Selection of materials in contact with product according to specific requirements (e.g. no die-cast components, Fe ≤ 1 %)
GEA Hilge sterile pharma pumps

GEA Hilge sterile pharmaceutical pumps

Quality by Tradition – Sterile pumps for the pharmaceutical industry
GEA Hilge Positive Displacement Pumps

GEA Hilge Positive Displacement Pumps

Optimum conveying solutions for highly viscous media

GEA Hygienic Pumps - the heart of GEA flow components

GEA Flow components portfolio contains hygienic pumps, valve and cleaning technologies. Our products comply with the highest hygiene standards and our decades of experience ensure our customer's production sites operate at their optimum capacity


GEA Hilge NOVALOBE Hygienic Pump Animation

GEA Hilge Image video - short

GEA Hygienic Pump Competence Center

GEA インサイト



Josep Masramón and his daughter stand in front of their GEA batch milking installation.



GEA 従業員 - 分離機


GEA 遠心分離機の歴史は、フランツ・ラメゾールとフランツ・シュミットが特許を取得した機械式ミルクセパレーターの生産を開始した1893年に始まり、これを機に近代的な乳製品加工への道が切り開かれることとなりました。この技術革新は、19世紀末のドイツで増え続ける都市人口にいかにミルクを供給するかという、当時の大きな課題を克服するのに役立ちました。そして、活況を呈する乳業業界に拍車をかけることにもなるのです。1913年までには、ドイツ国内で遠心分離...

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